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Giving Thanks When Life Doesn’t Go My Way
Have you ever felt like you’ve had too many broken dreams to leave room in your heart for thankfulness? Or you don’t know what to give thanks for when life…

The Gospel According to Autumn
When life is disappointing or overwhelming, I always find it so soothing, healing, and perspective-giving to step away from my troubles and responsibilities to soak in the beauty of nature…

Simple Activities for a Summer Routine
The 4th of July is past and summer is in full swing. What does this mean for your family? For your children, does summer mean “pajama day” every day, vegging…

Garden Reflections on Fruitful Living
This year my garden is pathetic. As in, it’s late June and I’ve barely gotten it started. Yes, I can blame it on being too busy homeschooling while caring for…

Family Read-Alouds: Building Comprehension and Character
One of my fondest childhood memories involved sprawling on the rust-colored carpet in our family’s living room near my father’s armchair, as my mother sat on the floor by the…
Family Read-Alouds: Building Comprehension and CharacterRead More

Dangers of Dehumanizing the “Other Side”
Last summer, as protests were in full swing and the media was giving close attention to issues of racial injustice, one video in particular burdened my heart. A young teen…

When Motherhood Blessings Become Burdens
My first-grader is crying AGAIN (or maybe today she’s whining or hyperventilating) about the same set of math problems that 2 minutes ago were cheerfully proclaimed to be “easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!” Our…

Responding to Suffering with Hope and Purpose
When suffering strikes, people’s responses are as unique and varied as we are. Anger, rage, bitterness. Withdrawal, depression, hopelessness. Softening of heart, deepening of wisdom, growing of compassion. Renewed vigor,…

Reclining Christians Cannot be Running Christians
“Reclining Christians cannot be running Christians.” My sister’s recent provocative statement on social media caught my eye. My whole life, I wanted to be a sold-out Christian whose life made…

Easy, Elegant, Old-Fashioned Roast Chicken
Growing up, I remember guests exclaiming over my mother’s fancy meals. My mother was a good cook, but not extravagant. Known for “stretching a dime a mile,” she fed us…

Blaming God for Infant Loss
My heart, swimming in grief while clinging desperately to faith, would not have spoken these words aloud. But those around us the voiced hurt and frustration that everyone felt: “It’s…

Should I Foster an Infant after My Baby Died?
Fostering an infant after losing your own can be tremendously healing. But it can also be unwise. Maybe you’ve never considered this option. Or maybe you’ve thought about it but…